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Travel Costa Mesa Blog

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A Visit with Buzz Aldron, Moonwalker

Posted on July 7, 2009 | 9:00am

Yesterday evening, I spent some quality time with moonwalker, Buzz Aldrin, and 250 of his closest fans. We all met in the South Coast Plaza Borders Bookstore for a brief talk with Buzz and a book signing. Although I didn’t get my copy of 2010 signed (or, Buzz Aldrin’s recent nonfiction, Magnificent Desolation [a must read for space nerds!]), I did enjoy an inspirational question and answer with Buzz.

One note from Buzz was particularly memorable for me. Buzz addressing his alcoholism after returning from the moon landing [paraphrased] “All my life I was disciplined… going through my Ph.D. required discipline, and the Space Agency required the highest levels of  discipline… after the moon landing, I had realized so many goals, and no longer stayed disciplined… so I slipped into bad alcoholism… but I was saved by the power of love [new marriage].”

Positive guy, moon walker, and concious rapper? Buzz Aldrin: Hero.

If you haven’t picked up the book yet, you may want to check it out at Amazon. Below are some photos of the lecture, and Buzz’ most recent work with Snoop Dogg and Talib Kweli.

Visit Glenn’s blog!

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We Heart South Coast Plaza

Posted on June 26, 2009 | 9:00am

South Coast Plaza recently had an event for bloggers and while I couldn’t make it, I started thinking about just how amazing this shopping resort really is. In addition to having the top stores in the world (every luxury brand from Chanel to Gucci to Balenciaga is here), I feel nostalgic when I think about SCP. Growing up in Orange County, it was the place I visited as a kid to go on the carousel or see Santa. I bought my prom dresses here and was exposed to culture at the Performing Arts Center. Then there’s the new Segerstrom Hall, world class spas and so many of my favorite restaurants (Charlie Palmer is a must see). What the Segerstroms have done for Orange County, and all of the millions who pass through South Coast Plaza, is pretty mind boggling. Since I’ve been on a shopping hiatus in ’09 I really need to get down there soon.

Visit Victoria’s blog, Los Angelenas.

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